The Federation of African Medical Students’ Associations (FAMSA)
recently held the 32nd Edition of its General Assembly in November 2018.
This year’s conference which took place in Ibadan, Nigeria, equally
marked the celebration of her 50th year in existence with the theme
“Repositioning Healthcare in Africa for Sustainable Development”.For
several years now, FAMSA has been focused on inspiring generations of
healthcare students and participants to take charge and play active
roles in structuring the future of healthcare in Africa for sustainable
development. This conference unlike any other held in history, was such
an engaging conference experience where healthcare students were able to
meet with key industry experts, policymakers, academicians and many
more.The 5-day conference comprised of keynote addresses, plenary
sessions, workshops, scientific presentations, hackathons, training
sessions, exhibitions, cultural night, trade fair, sport friendlies and
City tours. With every discussion capturing unique pain points and
tackling healthcare issues throughout the conference, participants were
thrilled as the conference gained more momentum each day.After the
arrival of delegates, the conference officially started on Monday the
19th of November. Here are some Highlights of the conference:The Opening
ceremonyThe Opening address was given by Prof. E. Oluwabunmi
Olapade-Olaopa, the Provost of the College of Medicine, University of
Ibadan. He emphasised that the development of Africa is something that
must be understood by her youths and that even as youths try to ensure
greener pastures for themselves; they must endeavour to come back and
give back to Africa. This was followed by a welcome address by Professor
A.O. Omigbodun (Patron and Chair Advisory board). To give the keynote
address was a representative of the Regional Director for Africa WHO, Dr
Clement Lugala, (officer in charge WHO Nigeria) as well as a video
message from Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus (Director-General of the World Health
Organization).Plenaries and Breakout sessionsSustaining the momentum,
the conference featured various plenary and breakout sessions on topics
such as Infectious diseases in Africa: Are we really winning? The Burden
of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): Taking a quantum leap, Mental
Health: Breaking the silence, Maternal and Child Health in Africa: The
Wages of Disconnect, Medical Education in Africa: Curriculum, research
and Mentorship, Social Determinants of Health: Connecting the Dots.These
topics were adequately discussed by seasoned professionals including
Dr. Clement Lugala (Officer in Charge WHO) Dr. Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde,
(Director Health Workforce Education & Development, African Centre
for Global Health and Social Transformation), Dr. Michael Kivwanga,
(Global Execution Lead, Mental Health and Special, Johnson & Johnson
Global Public Health) Adam Thompson (Co-founder of eHealth Systems,
Africa) and Dr. Stephen Obaro (Director Of International Paediatric
Research Program, University of Nebraska Medical Centre, USA) to name a
few. WorkshopsThere were several workshops which took place
simultaneously. They include;The Burden of NCDs and the Younger
Generation; Taking a quantum leap, by The Wellbeing Initiative.Mental
Health and the Health Care Student by the Mentally Aware Nigeria
Initiative (MANI).The Reso-Hackathon Challenge by the Contents
Team.Emergency Obstetric and New born Care/Wash by The Wellbeing
Foundation Africa.One of the key highlights from the conference was a
video address from Dr. Paulin Basinga, (Nigerian Country Director, Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation). In his address, he informed the audience
about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and went ahead to give 12
suggestions and key advice he believes medical students should know to
enable them excel in their careers. Another note-worthy moment was the
special session by Dr Ibraheem Badejo, Senior Director, New Ventures at
Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Boston who announced the challenge by
the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies; “Africa Innovation
challenge 2.0”. The challenge which is targeted at uncovering
entrepreneurs in Africa who have a creative solution to various pressing
local healthcare needs offers potential winners up to US$50,000 in
financial support and resources to help bring their ideas to market.With
over 600 attendees spanned across students, healthcare professionals,
NGOs, Policymakers, Researchers and Industry experts from 11 countries,
the conference was a fully packed, informative and educative forum that
stirred all who were in attendance to proffer solutions towards
achieving a better healthcare system in Africa.See photos from the event