When an old wine is poured into a new wine bottle, the bubble bursts, so propounded by no other person than the Lord Jesus Himself. The new movement of old wines that have failed to intoxicate must be rejected. The propriety of our past predators now crusading as reformers in this new regalia is doubted. What have they got in their kitty to reduce or curb the propensity to loot in the blood of Nigerian politicians. The polity needs reengineering.
Nigeria is suffocating under the death grip of the same old masqueraders, masqueading in new regalia dancing the old macabre dance. Haba! Enough is enough! The bazaar is over. The old masqueraders should go back home (in Igala language, they call them Okolo) and undress or be unmasked. We are depressed further when we see the dress rehearsal so soon to unleash another round of terror on the poor. The experts say, “There is no hope of success for the person who repels people through a negative personality”. It is hoped that the brains behind the formation of the new movement realise this. The looters have not done anything in the past to induce our cooperation. We also know that wrong choice/selection of candidates in politics or indeed in business is one of the most common causes of failure in governance. For years, in Nigeria, it is always the same politicians and the same failure.