53-year-old man orders rat poison from China to kill parents

A 53-year-old man has been convicted of murder attempt, as he was believed to have mixed rat poison into his parents’ meal.
A court in Ingolstadt, Germany, on Friday sentenced a farmer to nine and a half years in prison for attempting to kill his parents with rat poison.
The court condemned the 53-year-old on Friday for two counts of attempted murder.
Doctors at University Hospital in Regensburg were able to save his now 77-year-old mother and 81-year-old father.According to the judges, the man ordered the rat poison from China and mixed it into his elderly parents’ food at the end of 2016.
The man told the court he was not a poisoner, while he admitted that he had ordered the poison from China over the internet but said he immediately threw it away.
The man suspected his sister committed the attack on his parents, leading the defence to request his acquittal.

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