Police have arrested a pastor affiliated to Living Gospel Church located
in Mukono, and The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries in Uganda, for
allegedly sodomising a 16 year old male member of his flock.Simon Mpinga
alias Pastor Ronnie 31 was arrested on Wednesday, November 27,
following a report filed against him by the victim.

to a case reported at Mukono Police Station, it's alleged that the
victim had requested for 20000/= (Twenty Thousand Uganda Shillings) from
the pastor. He however told the boy that the money was at his home.
Mpinga asked the victim to proceed and wait for him in his house,
promising to provide him with the requested financial assistance.In his
statement the victim said that the pastor arrived at home late in
company of his friend and offered him some booze which he declined.
Mpinga then convinced the victim to sleep over since it was already too
late for him to return home."In the middle of the night he started
caressing, squeezing as he drew closer and eventually started kissing
me. I tried to resist but he was strong and threatened to harm me if i
didn't. However promised to introduce me to a new life of earning
dollars and being rich," the victim told police.

alleged that the victim applied a lubrication cream onto the victim's
anus and sodomised him. He then called in his friend to capture a video
and still photos of the acts saying the donors would increase his
funding.After waking up in the morning, the victim was severely injured
and discovered a seminal fluid discharge coming out of his anus. He was
then escorted to Bank of Africa Mukono Branch and given 10000/= (Ten
thousand uganda shillings only) as part of the money he had requested
for.The victim who was by that time in a very critical health condition
and had faced the worst form of sexual abuse with multiple effects
decided to open up to his mother who immediately reported the matter to
police.The victim was subjected to a medical examination and the
doctor's report confirmed an unnatural sexual connection had been
committed in violation of Uganda's Penal Code Act.Further inquiries
reveal Pastor Simon Mpinga as a habitual sodomy suspect after
investigators confirming this as the second time he is being arrested at
Mukono Police Station on sodomy charges.The suspect was first arrested
in May 2016 on sodomy allegations, he however managed to bribe his way
into the victim's family and the case prematurely closed after
expression of no further interest in the case by the victim's family.The
police soon took up the case again and attempts to secure him a bond by
some legal officers claiming to be affliated with Uganda Human Rights
Commission on Wednesday were futile. Thee suspect is currently being
detained at Mukono Police Station on charges related to sodomy, rape and
defilement.In Uganda, Sodomy is illegal. According to Section 145 (a)
of the Penal Code Act, any person who has carnal knowledge of any person
against the order of nature commits an offence and is liable to
imprisonment for life.