1st December marked the beginning of the last month of the year 2018
for many, but on this day, fortune smiled on Gabriel Austin Arinze, a
23years old student of the Federal Polytechnic Bida, resident in Zuba
Abuja who also works part-time as a spare part dealer, a trade he has
engaged in right from his days in Government Secondary School Zuba.While
listening to the radio, Austin’s father Mr. Gabriel Nnorom heard about
the Own Your Own promotion, during a live radio show on Wazobia 99.5 FM
Abuja. He asked Austin to participate,but he refused and said its most
likely a scam, in his own word “They just want to eat our money and go
away” but his Father said, “Have Faith”. On two sperate occasions
Arinze’s Dad gave him money to go get tickets so they can enter the Own
Your Own draw for November, but Arinze asked him to use the money to get
drugs as his father was a bit ill in health at that time. Eventually,
Arinze agreed to get the tickets and decided while on his way back home
he would stop by the Own Your Own office located right on the property
being won, to get tickets.So his Dad gave him the money to buy two
tickets and said, “buy one in your name and buy another one in my name”
so despite Arinze’s held convictions that a promotion of this nature
could not be real, he did just as his dad ask him. He bought two tickets
on the 23rd of November just 6days to the end of the 2nd Draw.The 1st
of December, the day for the Own Your Own 2nd Draw came and Arinze’s Dad
ever so hopeful reminded him its the Own Your Own raffle draw day,
however Arinze could careless because he was all about his “hustle” as
he went to the Zuba motor spare part market to conduct his usual
part-time job, selling car spare parts.Watch Arinze and Dad, tell their
Story https://youtu.be/xm72n2xRpZw Raffle Draw Day -1st December 2018The
2nd draw of the Own Your Own home promotion by Triple-T Premium Estate
was held on the 1st of December right at the property currently being
won in Abuja, Nigeria’s federal capital city. In attendance was the
representative from the Nigeria lottery regulatory commission and the
consumer protection council. The raffle draws are managed and conducted
by an independent auditor ( Adenusi and Company ) an indigenous firm of
chartered accountants.The raffle draw drum containing all tickets bought
by participants in this draw was rolled by the first draw winner (Mrs.
Joy Maha ) who graced the occasion alongside her husband. See first draw
winner Mrs Maha, story here http://bit.ly/2BJ1BmC winning ticket was
picked by a member of the public attending the draw event. The crowd
waited with bated breath as the names and ticket number was called out.
Austin Arinze Ticket [Number 89EB3AD] emerged the next fortunate home
winner.It all starts when you get a Ticket, and Arinze would forever be
grateful for his father’s persistence that made him get the tickets and
his assurance telling Arinze “Have Faith”.The Arinze Story

Mr Arinze and his Dad, Keys to Apartment 8 won by Arinze on 1st
December 2018CLICK TO OWN YOUR OWN The Good News.Austin Arinze though
not present at the draw event, was immediately contacted after his
ticket was drawn as the winning ticket. His phone was called over the
public address system and repeatedly it went unanswered. The next of kin
number provided when he bought his ticket was that of his Dad, so his
Dad’s was called. As the good news was given to him, his very first
words were “Thank God”. The Own Your Own media team were able to pick-up
the Arinze and his Dad up at the popular Zuba spare-part market where
interestingly Arinze has become a sort of an instant celebrity as the
news spreads quickly.

at Zuba Motor Spare parts market Abuja, When he heard the good
newsWatch Arinze Rejoice and Dance https://youtu.be/cwKKNPVMC5Q

Sealed, Delivered – Arinze and Dad, Proud Home Owner Why Own Your Own
is beyond just a Promo, but a Movement.Own Your Own promotion is Nigeria
premier and leading win and own a home nationally run promotion by a
100% owned Nigerian real estate firm. Triple-T Premium Estate
Limited.Speaking at the 2nd draw event Media and Public Relation
Executive of Triple-T Ms. Faith Bawa, explained in great detail the
vision and philosophy behind the Own Your Own promotion and the
long-term goals.She said “choosing to run this promotion as against
selling or leasing our premium built block of flats, sets a new standard
in creating accessibility to real estate 100% home ownership for many,
largely cut off from ever standing a chance at having a decent home of
their very own”.Ms. Bawa further stated that Triple-T chose this path of
making its apartment available to be won via a raffle draw process not
because it’s the easiest or most commercially viable option, considering
we live in a society with a huge “trust issues”, scams and the
likes.Triple-T chose to run the Own Your Own promotion regardless,
because of the driving force behind its vision. To make a positive
social impact by being part of the solution to the housing challenge in
Nigeria, and helping to bridge the housing gap, one house, one family at
a time as against pursuing a solely commercial real estate endeavor
that would be beyond the reach of the majority of Nigerians.She
reaffirmed that Triple-T Premium Estate is in this for the long haul,
its guiding ethos as an organization is making a positive social impact,
guided by uncompromised integrity, credibility, premium service, and
quality.Triple-T through its Own Your Own promotion is confident that
with time they would change the wrongly held perception “that nothing
good or trustworthy can come out of Nigeria”.The central and most
important goal of Triple-T premium estate through the Own Your Own
promotion is to touch lives, and change the fortune of Nigerians still
dreaming to own their own home, hence its slogan; touching lives one
house at a time.Own Your Own promotion is here to stay, the number of
houses being won monthly will gradually but steadily increase. The
acceptance of Own Your Own by participants and the general public has
been quite encouraging and for Triple-T Premium Estate, its daily
pursuit is to continually build premium homes and offer Nigerians the
opportunity to win and own their own home via a transparent, fair
chanced method at the least cost.Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Own Your Own
promotion, comprising of 12 apartments of two bedroom flats and 9
apartments of two bedroom flats, has been approved, commissioned, and
the project is now ongoing.How to Own Your Own, Enter the Monthly
DrawsTicket sales for each draw are open for a 30days period and once
this period elapses, sales are closed for that draw and then a live
raffle draw is conducted by the independent auditor one day after all
purchased tickets are collated and verified.Raffle draws takes place
right at the property being won.A participant who wishes to enter the
monthly draw raffle to stand a chance at winning can buy tickets.Tickets
cost N2000 only – and each ticket has a unique number and the more
tickets entered into the draw by a participant, they can further better
their winning chances.Each live Raffle draw is monitored by
representatives from key government agencies The Consumer Protection
Council and the Nigerian Lottery Regulatory Commission. Triple-T had
previously received the permit from these agencies to run this promotion
after going through due processes and checks by the regulatory
agencies.Own Your Own apartments are premium quality built apartments of
2Bed Room ensuite, homes. Located in easily accessible and serene
environment have an adjourning beautiful garden space designed and
maintained by Triple-T.

House, One Draw Every 30days - Who’s Next?-1st Draw (October Raffle
Draw) for Flat-9.won by Mrs. Joy Maha on the 31st of October.2nd Draw
(November Raffle Draw) for Flat-8.won by Mr. Austin Arinze on the 1st of
December.The 3rd Draw (31st December-Raffle Draw ) for Flat-7. Ticket
sales are now open.Who will end the year 2018 the next landlord? Who
will Win and Own Flat 7 Take a Sneak Peek Own Your Own Flat 7 -
https://youtu.be/NdJ0qXAV0LEPromotion is open to all Nigerians resident
in or outside Abuja, Tickets can be purchased online. Enter Now CLICK TO