According to the latest batch of Football Leaks reports, Real Madrid
captain, Sergio Ramos failed a drugs test in the aftermath of his team's
2017 Champions League final, which they won 4-1 victory over
Juventus.German newspaper Der Spiegel reports that Ramos' urine sample
contained traces of dexamethasone, and that the results were covered up
by UEFA.The cortisone preparation is on the list kept by the World
Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) of substances that are prohibited in
competition. Administration of dexamethasone prior to a match is
permitted, but a team doctor must report its use on doping control
forms, but this was missing.The Real Madrid doctor has admitted to
giving Ramos two injections of dexamethasone the day before the final in
June last year, one in his shoulder and another in his knee.He then
noted in his doping report that Ramos had received treatment with
another anti-inflammatory drug containing betamethasone, which is also
on WADA's list of banned substances in competition.UEFA accepted the
doctor's reasoning and claim it was made 'in compliance' with WADA
code.Football Leaks claim that when they contacted Real Madrid and Ramos
they had no comment to make.The Football Leaks revelations also claim
that Ramos' former team-mate Ronaldo 'complained that he was always
selected' for testing when UEFA arrived at the club's training ground
for random testing in February 2017.Real Madrid accused the UEFA testers
of inadequacy, and claimed the anti-doping officer stuck Ronaldo twice
with a needle without finding a vein. UEFA, Real Madrid and Ronaldo all
withheld comment when asked by Der Spiegel about the incident.