How 500 Passionate Youths Showed Off Kano to the World

Passion is an unrivalled emotion. A fuel can fire up any person to achieve the unthinkable. The same has fueled the best inventions. How do you think Facebook came into being? We got to see that passion in the eyes of five hundred young people at the Bristol Palace Hotel, Kano, as they listened to experienced tutors take them through Business and ICT skills that would transform their lives.  As early as 9:00a.m, on Wednesday 7th of November, you could see bright and eager trainees line up to enter the venue for the MTN Foundation ICT and Business Skills Training in Kano. After a successful training in Ibadan months ago, the Foundation moved the training to the northern part of Nigeria and it was the best choice! For the two days, the trainees soaked up all that the tutors from IBM, Oracle, KPMG, Digital Bridge Institute (DBI) and Google had in stock for them. Moreover, the tutors came prepared with exciting ways to break down what could have been technical. The fire in the trainees was obvious as they fired questions at the tutors with fervor. The day grew to a close and not once did their drive to learn wane. Group presentations had trainees gathering around the boards as they hashed out tasks with their peers. Some even ignored the chairs and knelt round the board to get closer to the other trainees. Such determination and thirst for knowledge! Kano was the perfect place for the second phase of the training. Now, we are wondering – where is the next stop? Are we going to see the same drive and passion? For now, we wait and watch out for what Kano will do with all they have learnt. We expect great things... 

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