Read the article by FFK below...No matter how hard he tries to make it
look as if it is no big deal and no matter how much he ignores it and
tries to brush it under the carpet, the 5.8 billion naira scandal in
which the House of Representatives have indicted Vice President Yemi
Osinbajo for theft, larceny, diversion, misapplication and
misappropiation will not go away.No matter how much he tries to wash
himself with his self-righteous soap and brush, the filthy stench of
corruption and abuse of office will never leave him.No matter how many
open markets he visits in a blaze of publicity and in a desperate
attempt to prove that he is a man of the people, the bloated flies that
customarily trail filth, garbage, open sewers and rejected goods will
continue to follow him and raise fundamental questions about his
infantile claim to holiness, infallibility and sainthood.Some have
erroneously argued that Osinbajo could not have stolen the 5.8 billion
or indulged in any form of wrongdoing because he is a Pastor.They also
claim that the grievous, unproven and outrageous allegations that he has
made against President Goodluck Jonathan, President Olusegun Obasanjo,
the late President Umaru Yar'adua and indeed every single PDP-controlled
Federal Government that was in power over the 16 years before our
nation was afflicted with the Buhari plague and APC contagion three
years ago must also be true, again because he is a Pastor.On both counts
this is not only an intellectually lazy cotention but it is also pure
hogwash. I say this because Osinbajo is far from being what many think
he is. His conduct over the last three years has proved that
conclusively.As far as I am concerned he is a Pastor only in name. In my
view he is not a Pastor but an eager accomplice, common sidekick and
ever-ready man-Friday to the most hated, despised, compromised,
dishonest, brutal, divisive, incompetent, cruel and evil dictator that
Nigeria has ever known.I say this because no real Pastor would do what
he has done over the last three years and neither would any tolerate or
participate in the evil that his boss and their government have
unleashed on the Nigerian people since they came to power.Pastors see
evil for what it is and fight it openly. Failing that they at least shun
and condemn it. They certainly do not espouse it, enjoy it, wallow in
it, encourage it, support it and thrive in its commission.They do not
point fingers at the innocent and accuse them falsely and neither do
they eulogise or deify the corrupt. They are not deceitful cowards who
have sold their souls to the devil for cheap political gain, filthy
lucre and a morsel at the tyrant's table.The truth is that it irritates
me to no end when some refer to Vice President Yemi Osinbajo as a
Pastor. It is like referring to Judas Iscariot as a disciple of Jesus
Christ or Rasputin as the Pope.The Bible says "thou shall know them by
their fruits". It says "the devil presents itself as an angel of light".
It speaks of "wolves in sheep's clothing". It talks about "shepherds
that feed on the carcasses of their own flock".Osinbajo is a fake Pastor
in the same way that Judas was a fake disciple and Rasputin was a fake
priest. Like Judas and Rasputin he was secretly planted amongst the
disciples and in the Church by satan.When you speak of Pastors you are
referring to holy and selfless men who lift up, inspire and encourage
others, who are filled with compassion and love, who are called to
ministry by the Living God and who are deeply courageous and
strong.These are tried and tested men and women who are filled with the
power of the Holy Spirit and the light of God. These are men and women
that are driven by the quest for righteousness, justice and equity and
who have no fear of tyrants, bullies or the agents of the devil.These
are men and women who despise evil, wickedness and injustice and who
support and assist the suffering, the deprived, the weak, the
vulnerable, the wounded, the afflicted, the persecuted and the
poor.These are men and women that speak truth to power and that give
wicked rulers and heartless men of wealth and power sleepless
nights.These are men and women that have successfully passed through the
furnace of affliction, who have mastered their calling, who are
clean-spirited, who are committed to spreading the gospel of our Lord
Jesus Christ fearlessly and who do not steal, kill, lie, bear false
witness, falsely accuse, compromise with evil or seek to destroy their
fellow human beings.When we talk about Pastors we are talking about a
rare and special breed of people who are committed to humanity,
self-discipline and the work of God and who have chosen to answer the
highest and most noble calling.When we talk about Pastors we are talking
about men and women llik the late Bishop Ajayi Crowther, the late
Archbishop Benson Idahosa, the late Apostle Ayo Babalola, the late Rev.
Timothy Obadare, Bishop David Oyedepo, Prophet T.B. Joshua, Pastor Paul
Adefarasin, Pastor David Ibiyeomie, Dr. Paul Enenche, Bishop David
Abioye, Bishop Mike Okonkwo, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Apostle Samson
Suleiman, Dr. B.O. Ezekiel, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, Rev. Samson
Ayokunle, Dr. Daniel Olukoya, Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah, Archbishop
Jasper Akinola, Bishop Emmanuel Gbonigi, Archbishop Nicholas
Duncan-Williams, Prophet Emmanuel Kobe, Pastor Rhoda Awiliki, Pastor
Solomon Kayode Anjorin, Pastor Bayo Oladeji, Dr. Israel Akonji, Pastor
Emmanuel Omata and so many others.When we talk about Pastors we are not
talking about hopelessly compromised and morally challenged charlatans
and crooked politicians like Osinbanjo who consistently attempt to
defend the indefensible, who thrive on perfidy and falsehood, who tell
one hundred lies a day, who indulge in the most outrageous and brazen
acts of corruption, who persecute the innocent, who collude with evil
and bloodthirsty men, who encourage the perpetuation and commission of
barbarity and wickedness, who turn a blind eye when lives are being
destroyed, who refuse to raise their voices when innocent blood is being
shed, who speak from both sides of their mouths and who encourage mass
murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing.When we talk about Pastors we are
talking about those that we revere, love and admire and not those that
are only Pastor in name.The post
Vice President Yemi Osinbajo - A Pastor only by name - by Femi Fani Kayode appeared first on
emiratco Blog.