A Cover to Protect Your Legacy

Ever since she was a Salesgirl in Madam Nkem’s shop in Aba, Nancy had always dreamt about having her own store.She watched her boss closely, learned and saved all she could till she could achieve her dream.While it took her 7 years to build the high-end fabric business she had amassed today, it had taken only 7 minutes for that store to turn into a pile of smoke and rubble.She stared speechless at the charred remains at her feet, unable to swallow the lump in her throat.She couldn’t scream. She couldn’t weep. She couldn’t hear the people talk about the live wire that started off the raging inferno.It razed down every shop on the east side of the market before it was put out. All her savings were stored in a vault in that shop. All her life’s work had been turned to ash.How was she going to start over? Misfortunes come at the worst time and inflict the worst damage. All your hard work can be gone in a flash without any warning. From burst pipes to even acts of terrorism; there are many disasters that you will never see coming. Therefore, it is important to secure your estate or business against such uncertainties with a trusted plan that ensures you are backed by sound financial capability. AIICO “Fire & Special Perils” Plan offers comprehensive protection from fire, lightning, explosions, storms, floods, impact damage, riots and much more. Choose AIICO Insurance today and protect your estate or business from financial misfortune. Click here to sign up.

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