rights activists stripped naked and covered themselves in fake blood in
a busy square in Barcelona to protest animal cruelty.The latest
demonstration was part of a campaign to protest the use of fur and
leather in consumer goods.On December 16, the activists lay down in
Plaça de Catalunya, with one holding a sign reading "How many lives just
for one coat?" in Spanish. Photographs
from the demonstration show the protesters lying motionless on top of
one another to resemble dead or dying animals.The demonstration was
organised by Anima Naturalis, the international non-profit which
campaigns for animal rights in Spain and Latin America.According to
animal rights organisation PETA, more than 85% fur sold around the world
comes from farm facilities where, minks, foxes and other animals are
locked in cages for their entire lives before being killed and
skinned.The UK has made fur farming illegal, however, the practice still
continues across Europe and the rest of the world.