A 16-year-old boy has died after he was electrocuted by his headphones
that were plugged into his phone while it was chargingMohammed Aidil
Azzahar Zaharin was listening to music with his headphones plugged into
his charging phone. He fell asleep in the process and was found the next
day by his mother. At first, his mother thought he was still asleep so
she left him there and left for work. She returned early from work and
saw him still unconscious and cold on the floor. She tried to wake him
up but unable to do so, she called medics who declared him dead.It was
then confirmed that the boy, from Malaysia, did not have any other
injuries or bruises on his body other than bleeding and burns on his
left ear, and the autopsy later showed that the cause of death was

victim’s brother also said that he felt a small electric shock when he
touched the headphone cable.Photos of the boy have spread online as a
warning for other to be careful when using their phones while charging