A bride was called out on social media after her unrealistic dress code
for her wedding guests went viral. Now, she has said she will hold a lie
detector test at her wedding to find out who snitched on her.The bride
sent out a dress code to all her wedding guests demanding that they turn
up for her wedding in outfits that would cost guests about $1,000.
Also, the dress codes, which is for a coordinated dance at their
wedding, depended on the guest's weight. Guests with different body
weights had different dress codes.Alongside those very specific
requirements, guests were also asked to bring a change of clothing for
after the coordinated dance ends. And that change of clothing needs to
be fancy.

shared the dress code requirements online and the bride was slammed for
it.Now, the bride has promised there will be consequences. After her
dress code went viral all over social media, the bride took to Facebook
to declare that she would be hosting a polygraph party to find out which
of her guests leaked her dress code.She wrote:It has come to my
attention that someone went all the way down in this groups creation to
screenshot the dress code requirements.I could not be more crushed,
betrayed, or saddened. I trust each and every one of you so intimately.
Knowing someone went behind my back and made fun of me is one of the
worst feelings.And boy, will you be paying.

bride went on to invite her guests to "the first ever Polygraph Party",
in honour of "the snitch".This party holds today at 8pm. At the party,
guests will use a "real polygraph test for $99 on Amazon" to determine
who leaked the initial post. After everyone finds "the rat who did
this", there’ll be drinks and appetisers.The bride says that if a guest
can’t make it to the party and doesn’t provide a valid excuse, it will
be assumed that they are the mole. As for the perso who is found guilty,
the bride said: I will simply cut all ties and communication with you
(and talk shit about you for a long, long time).If you have any
information about who violated my trust and my wedding planning, I will
give you $100.The bride added that those guests who don't want to comply
with the dress code or participate in the dance can "help the crew
clean up after dinner, volunteer to take videos of the dance, or even
contribute to [the] honeymoon".As for those internet users who slammed
her for her dress code, she said:DO YOU F***ING KNOW ME? DO YOU KNOW WHY
WE ARE DOING THINGS THIS WAY? No??? Then shut up! Go back to your scum
basement and play video games and never f***ing make comments about
people you don’t know.My husband and I are certified spiritual healers
with over ten years of experience.Our wedding colours, fabrics, and
intimate synchronized dance are something we hold very dear to our
hearts.The expensive clothing represents the riches we wish to come. The
black and camouflage outfits represents the aura of the devil that we
must shoo away. The soda hats represent our wishes for an abundance of
life saving liquid. You get the picture.