Cardi B, took to Instagram to rant about how expensive it is to be a
woman after she spent N1,000 to get her hair and nails done. In the
video which she recorded from the back of her limo, the 26-year-old
mother said:Let me tell you motherf**ers something, it's getting more
and more expensive - well, nah for real, it's getting more expensive to
maintain us women.' 'You know this is not the early 2000s and s**t where
you give a b***h a hundred dollars to get her motherf***ing hair done,
nails done, her eyebrows done. Whatever.'Nah. Let me tell you something.
Like, bit**es is not getting the $17 full set with the three pre nail
design motherf***er.'Bit**es want the gel set and some hos, like me, you
know what I'm saying, want Swarovski crystals. So that about there is
about $200 - the end nail. You know what I'm saying.'She continued to do
the math on the processes she undertakes, adding:'And then the hair? We
are not in the era where b**ches do the blow outs, you know what I'm
saying, or the sew-ins and shit. Nah, b**ches want the full lace wig.
The wig is about $800, $500, it really depend where you get it from.This
dye about, I say about three hundred dollars. Two hundred dollars.
Three hundred dollars. 'So, just on dat it's a thousand dollars!' she
concluded, before asking, 'So...what's good?' Watch the video
below. View this post on Instagram We getting more expensive
boo boo