Momodu and his wife Mobolaji are celebrating their 26th wedding
anniversary today Dec. 19th and the Ovation International boss just
shared a throwback photo on his Instagram page from their wedding day.
Dele Momodu also shared a special message he got from his wife in
celebration of the anniversary. She wrote;Thank you Ajani for all the
things that you do that makes me love you. I am now truly living in
ecstasy. 29 years of knowing you and 26 years of marriage can only be
the grace of God. Never will I take His grace for granted.And to Him who
is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us, be all the glory! And to God
Almighty , I commit us and the years ahead and look forward to the next
26 years with you.Happy 26th wedding anniversary Ajani oko Bolaji. May
this Love take us to the top of every mountain!"CHIEF MRS MOBOLAJI
MOMODUOmo Arowosugbo