How to build political structures and capital in Nigeria

Politics is the social structure and methods used to manage a government or state. Political structure is a term commonly used in political science. In a general sense, it refers to institutions or groups and their relations to each other, their patterns of interaction within political systems and to political regulations, laws and the norms present in political systems in such a way that they constitute the political landscape of the political entity. Political parties and politicians needs a very good political structure to win elections in Nigeria.Election process is the most critical for the peaceful functioning of the democracy. Effective communication forms the backbone of the election process.A key part of any political campaign strategy should be selecting the right communications tools. SMS text messaging can help you get your message out quickly to supporters and voters. Organize rallies, register new voters, increase voter turnout and remind supporters about the key issues of your campaign.In order to be successful in a political campaign, you need to get the support of as many people as possible. With the help of Bulk SMS Service, you can send vote request message or SMS for vote appeal to the voters for the political parties and its candidates will be easy.If you want your party to become more successful during election time, Bulk SMS Service is the best and modern solution to interact more and more people.Bulk SMS Service for the election campaign facilitates to promote the election campaign all over Nigeria quickly.At only N 3 per SMS, 365 Campaigner offers the most cost effective bulk SMS messaging service to politicians and political parties in Nigeria.Using licensed core features from the well known 365 campaigner messaging service, we are able to provide a cost effective SMS only service, without any monthly administration fee for extra services. You simply pay for the SMS’s – nothing more, nothing less.Mobile and Email marketing are the most productive advertising tool, with open rate of about 14%-20% for email and as high as 95% for SMS. Being an easy way to suggest your service to great many people at a low costs, mobile and email marketing requires one essential component that is extremely necessary for every campaign, a target list.An electronic mailing list is the use of mobile numbers and email address for widespread distribution of information to many internet and mobile phone users.365 campaigner list building service is dedicated to helping politicians and political parties in Nigeria to build a target list that would ensure smooth operations of their voters and supporters.Our unique list building tool uses a one-time password (OTP) to validate mobile number and e-mail address submitted by subscribers thereby making your list authentic.The list can be automatically or manually generated. Automatic generation is when subscribers subscribe through your profile page on our website while manually is when the details of the subscribers are manually collected and uploaded on your profile page on our website.The list can be segmented into different strata’s like voters, staffs / workers, businesses, Interest groups etc. The list can be further stratified into say – VOTERS – Lagos, Abuja etc. Further division into LGA and Street can be achieved.The list captures the First Name, Second Name, Gender, State, LGA, E-Mail address, Mobile Number, Date of Birth and Wedding Anniversary of the subscriber.Through this target list, politicians and political parties can utilize bulk sms toVoter RemindersEvent and Meeting RemindersInvitations for Rallies and FundraisersVolunteer CoordinationImportant AnnouncementsCampaign News and Election UpdatesIn addition, our system automatically sends messages to subscribers on your list on their birthday, wedding anniversaries, New month, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Worker’s Day, Democracy Day, Independence Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Women's Day and Children's Day.The user can add other festive days, add and edit messages and the messages would be sent on the selected date to subscribers of the list.Advantage of list building- All list created by the user belongs to the user and 365 Campaigner (Kyneli Business Support Service) don’t not have access to it. List generated can be exported in excel documents- Improves political capital and loyalty- Cost effective way to market and sell services, agenda and policy to voters- User can share and earn contact each time the list is used to send messages by other usersAm sure you are eager to start using our services and want to know the cost. Guess what, it is free. Yes, free. No monthly maintenance fee. However, we charge a reasonable cost of N 3 (or existing cost) / SMS and N 1 E-Mail.To register a subscriber, the following SMS are usedSMS- One time password (OTP) – Mandatory N 3 (or existing cost) / SMS- Thank You Message (Sent after subscriber registers on your list) – Optional N 3 (or existing cost) / SMSE-mail- One time password (OTP) – Mandatory N 1 (or existing cost) / E-MailSo, it cost N 7 to register a subscriber. To build a list of 10,000 subscribers, it would cost you only N 70,000. Imagine, what 10,000 loyal subscribers would do for your product /services and election campaign. Remember, because our festive messages are automatically set, you would need to enough SMS and E-mail so that the messages can be sent.You can post and share your build your list webpage on social media to increase subscribers. We have also created other useful tool like events and announce my event to enable our user build different sets of subscribers.To start using our build your list service, click on this link CREATE A LIST.To start enjoying our amazing service, kindly register on our website and follow each of the steps outlined to access our services.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUY AUTHENTIC, RELIABLE, VALID, ACTIVE AND COMPLETE GSM / MOBILE NUMBER DATABASE @ N 10,000 / LGA.Not interested in purchasing the list but want to send messages to recipients? Then our Connect Me list is perfect for you. Connect Me service is a cutting - edge tool that allows list builders to share their list and earn each time a users uses it. The list can be sorted on the basis of Age, Gender, State and LGA before the messages are sent.It is important to state only approved users can be use this service. User would be approved after their submitted ID is verified and confirmed.START USING OUR CONNECT ME SERVICE BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK RALLIES, TOWN HALL, CAMPAIGNS AND ROAD SHOWS IN NIGERIAOrganizing and holding an event takes planning. Whether it’s a political campaign, town halls, rallies and road shows and whether you have one day to plan or an entire year, your event’s success is in the details and the effective communication of this details.With our innovative announce my event tool, organizers of events, event planners and organizations can now effective handle communication between the event’s organizers and the guest before, during and after the events.Once an event has been approved, pre-determined messages as set by the user would be delivered to the event subscribers at the pre-determined date and time.Advantage Of Announce My Event· Automate messaging between event organizers and the guest before, during and after the event’s.· Ninety percent (90%) deliverability guaranteed for e-mail while SMS has ninety-nine percent (99%).· List building - Our announce my event tool automatically capture the names, mobile numbers and e-mail addresses of attendees. The event organizer can use such a list to send messages to attendees about upcoming events and other important information.The list generated from events can be used for adverting and marketing purpose.For as low as N 350/month, you can also send daily automated messages on relationship, love, marriage, missing you, motivation, action, politics and leadership to your friends, family and loved ones.Such messages can be used to maintain / mend broken relationships, motivate and keep focused our staffs, family and loved ones.For subscription, click here SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLESFacebook: Plus: Bulk SMS in Nigeria # GSM and Mobile Number Database # Voice SMS in Nigeria # Bulk SMS Marketing in Nigeria # Get Elected In 2019 General Elections in Nigeria # Voice SMS Marketing in Nigeria # Announce your Election Events in Nigeria# E-Mail Marketing in NigeriaDOWNLOAD GSM / MOBILE NUMBER DATABASE IN NIGERIA| GSM / MOBILE NUMBER DATABASE IN NIGERIA| PURCHASE GSM / MOBILE NUMBER DATABASE IN NIGERIA| GSM / MOBILE NUMBER DATABASE FOR SALE IN NIGERIA| GET MOBILE PHONE NUMBERS FOR ELECTION CAMPAIGNS IN NIGERIA| TARGETED GSM / MOBILE NUMBER DATABASE IN NIGERIA

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