Obama has revealed what she was thinking after Donald Trump's
presidential inauguration in January 2017.The former first lady was a
guest on Jimmy Fallon's 'The Tonight Show' on Tuesday, December 18.
During the show, Fallon asked Mrs Obama what she was thinking as she
boarded Air Force One with her husband, Barack Obama, following the
inaguration.Michelle immediately replied: Bye, Felicia.The phrase "Bye
Felicia" originates from the 1995 film Friday, and has since become
widely used as a term to dismiss an unwanted person.Michelle's reply was
met with rapturous applause and cheers from the audience and a drum
roll from the talk show’s resident band The Roots.

added:A lot was going on that day. That was a day. While discussing her
book Becoming with Fallon, Mrs Obama also spoke about the fact that she
and her husband had previously been through marriage counselling. She
explained that all marriages require dedication and commitment,
regardless of how happy they may seem from the outside.She said:I want
young people to know that marriage is work, even the best marriages
require work.Michelle said she had initially decided to take her husband
to marriage counselling in order to iron out his shortcomings, as
opposed to seeking guidance for their marriage together. But, she soon
realised that both of them had a responsibility to work on their
relationship.The mother-of-two said:I was one of those wives who
thought, ‘I’m taking you to marriage counselling so you can be fixed,
Barack Obama.' Because I was like, ‘I’m perfect.’ I was like, ‘Dr X.
please fix him.’And then our counsellor looked over at me. I was like,
‘What are you looking at? I’m perfect.’Marriage counselling was a
turning point for me understanding that it wasn’t up to my husband to
make me happy.That I had to learn how to fill myself up and have to put
myself higher on my priority list.Watch the video below.