mother who drowned and burned her four-year-old daughter has been found
not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. Carly Ann Harris, 38,
murdered 4-year-old Amelia Brooke Harris in a "sacrifice" to God at
their home in South Wales this June. She told doctors she was a fallen
angel chosen by God and needed to prove her faith by offering her

court heard that the mother-of-three had suffered from schizophrenia
following a urinary tract infection in 2014. A psychiatrist said she
appeared to have experienced "paranoid and religious delusions" and
believed she had to kill Amelia to save the world, and was being tested
by God who would then return her daughter to her.

l Today,
the jury returned a "special verdict" after hearing that psychiatrists
agreed Harris was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

The mother-of-three was sentenced at Newport Crown Court to a hospital order without a limit of time.