banks accounts now frozen, until Okoroji explains how he collected
& used entertainers royalties. The Performing Musician Employers
Association of Nigeria (PMAN) will like to inform all its members, and
all musical content owners in Nigeria , that in furtherance to the
suspension of COSON’s operating license by the Nigeria Copyright
Commission (NCC), all COSON bank accounts have now been frozen. Working
with key corporate members like Premier Music Publishing Company
Limited and Ivory Music Limited, we have secured a court order to freeze
the accounts in a bid to stop the illegal and unsupervised spending of
monies belonging to rights owners by Chief Tony Okoroji and his
illegally constituted board. This move has become necessary in
consideration of the fact that Chief Okoroji has vehemently refused
comply with the directives of the industry regulator, NCC and also
accede to the demand for full forensic audit of the account and
operations of COSON under operations of COSON under his tenure. He has
continued to spend the organisation's funds without prerequisite
oversight thereby hurting the earnings due to the right
owners. Furthermore, all owners of musical content in Nigeria are
advised to disregard any information being propagated by Chief Tony
Okoroji and his cronies on social media that he enjoys the support of
the right owners. Virtually all relevant stakeholders in the music
industry including top artistes, publishers and record labels with
active music catalogs are aligned in support of the NCC's suspension of
COSON’s operating license and with PMAN, Premier Music and Ivory Music
in the freezing all its bank accounts. The PMAN President, Pretty
Okafor who is also a COSON member appeals to all musicians to stay calm
and be reassured that the Union is doing all it can to end the current
fracas in the collective management space. The PMAN President emphasized
that the only way to guarantee effective copyright administration
practice in Nigeria is putting in place proper operational policied and
legislative structures to ensure accountability and sustainable
growth. Pretty Okafor PMAN president