Shock as sonogram video shows baby growing in the liver

  Twitter users, including doctors, have been left confused after a sonogram video showng a baby growing in the liver was shared online.The sonogram, taken on December 13, 2018, shows the baby moving in the liver, rather than in the womb. The poster described it as Intra-hepatic cyesis (pregnancy in the liver).  But a lot of doctors on Twitter did not believe it was possible and expressed their shock while also asking pertinent questions.A doctor later explained that it is possible but extremely rare.Doctor @femtoba tweeted:Hepatic pregnancy isn't abysmal but it's very <1 :that="" a="" abdominal="" added="" alt="" and="" are="" as="" associated="" been="" but="" can="" chronic="" comprehend.a="" connects="" elow="" explain="" extremely="" factors="" foetus="" for="" google="" had="" hard="" have="" hepatic="" high="" i="" img="" implantation="" implanted="" in="" incidence="" indirectly="" is="" isn="" it="" its="" linked="" liver.="" liver="" make="" may="" means="" mechanism="" mortality="" much="" must="" nbsp="" normally="" occurrence="" of="" out="" part="" pid="" possibly="" pouch="" predisposing="" pregnancy="" previous="" rare="" rate.="" reactions="" retroperitoneal="" search="" should="" shows="" site="" some="" sonogram.="" sonoram="" spelt="" src="" style="height: 634px; width: 518px;" such="" surgery="" t="" technical="" terms="" that="" the="" this="" tho="" to="" too="" twitter="" type="" unavoidable="" uterine="" uterus.he="" very="" video="" wall="" well="" where="" which="" will="" with="" woman=""> Intra-hepatic cyesis, just when you think you have seen it all.(Pregnancy in the liver)— MorningStar (@_Ogisa) 19 December 2018

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