Angeles prosecutors have dismissed the criminal case against Hollywood
actor Steven Seagal, 66, stemming from an allegation that he sexually
assaulted a 17-year old girl in 2002.The decision to dismiss the case
was made known on Friday.A woman whose name has not been released by
prosecutors reported to Los Angeles police that Seagal sexually
assaulted her in 2002 when she was a minor, the District Attorney’s
Office said in a document released on Friday.The alleged assault was
said to have taken place during what was an audition in the W Hotel in
Beverly Hills.She claims Seagal slipped his hand underneath her
clothing, fondled her breasts and groped her crotch.Prosecutors said the
investigation found insufficient corroborating evidence for a sexual
assault allegation dating back that far in time.“Therefore, the case is
declined due to the expiration of the statute of limitations,” it
said.Prosecutors did not give details about the circumstances
surrounding the alleged assault.