actress, Jada Pinkett-Smith, teamed up with her mom, Adrienne
Banfield-Norris and daughter Willow Smith to produce a stunning three
generations cover for Harper’s Bazaar.The trio are behind Red Table
Talk, the mega-hit Facebook Watch talk show where they discuss about
everything from love and sex, to mental health and drug abuse.

The trio who went topless in one of the photos spoke about how dating and sex norms have changed through the generations.

mother wanted us to be totally well-rounded," Adrienne explains in the
video. "We were dancing, we were taking ceramics. I just raised Jada the
way I was raised, so I kept her in classes and her time was always

Talking about the social scene today, Willow says there's a "revolution" that's currently taking place.

"I would say that most of my friends do have boyfriends," Willow shares. "There's a revolution in relating that's happening."

I was in high school, my last year of high school, I was pregnant and
married," Adrienne says. "So my focus was a little bit different than
everybody else's."When Jada was on the dating scene, she says that
everyone "coupled up."

kinda went out with one guy and then you didn't go out with that guy
unless you wanted to kick it with them for a long time," Jada shares.
"My generation, you lost your virginity to your boyfriend or to your
girlfriend. These days? You have young people that are like, 'Look, I
just wanna find a nice person.' I'm like, 'A nice person? That's it?'"