President Trump has confimred that his chief of staff, John Kelly, would
step down by the end of the year. The departure of Kelly, who
was brought in last year to impose order on the West Wing but found
managing Trump an impossible task, had been rumored for months, and
Trump announced it to reporters before departing for the Army-Navy
football game in Philadelphia. He said a replacement would be named in
the next day or two. “John Kelly will be leaving I don’t know if I can
say ‘retiring, but he’s a great guy. John Kelly will be leaving at the
end of the year” the president said. The announcement of Kelly’s
departure comes as the White House braces for the final stages of the
investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, including a
report detailing his findings on questions of collusion and obstruction
of justice. The president also faces a string of oversight
investigations into his administration from Democrats after they take
control of the House next month.