mother-of-two who had a series of health issues has been left
flat-chested after she decided to have the silicone implants removed
which she claims left her 'slowly dying'. 34-year-old Andrea King
reportedly spent a total of $35,000 (£28,000) on her breasts and went
from an A-cup to a C-cup to improve her confidence in 2014. But the
breast implants left her battling with dozens of mystery symptoms for
over four years. During her struggles, she claimed doctors were baffled
by condition and were even wondering if she had HIV. But after carrying
out a personal research, she discovered she had 'breast implant illness'
and had her implants removed immediately. Andrea said she took a huge
amount of medication for her problems after suffering around 54 symptoms
including Anxiety, Teeth grinding and teeth moving, Neck and shoulder
pains, Fatigue Chronic muscle pain and tightness, Insomnia, Memory loss
and Brain fog among many others.

to Mail Online, Andrea who is a personal trainer is no longer in pain
or suffering with blood poisoning, bacterial infections or extreme

said: 'Five months ago I was diagnosed with four autoimmune diseases
such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sjogrens syndrome and celiac. Not
to mention IBS.'My immune system was so low that I was tested for HIV as
well as several types of cancer as doctors were left baffled.'I tried
my best to continue as normal but it was almost impossible to train and
further my career as a professional bodybuilder. I couldn't even walk up
the stairs without being short of breath.'The mother of two revealed
that she discovered she was suffering from breast implant illness' after
she read of other women's experiences online about becoming sick from
their implants.Ms. King said: 'I had no idea breast implants could be so
toxic and cause your body to react so badly. The rejection caused
issues to spread throughout my whole body.'Ms. King said she had no
reservations about remove her implants immediately. She said: 'It was an
easy decision to make, even though I knew I'd be left with little to no
breast tissue afterwards. I was preparing to be deformed as well,
knowing that I had to have a double capsulectomy.'